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Re: Minor problem on install - Where should I report.

on Thu, 10 Jan 2002 02:50:03PM -0800, lybrandnute@flashmail.com insinuated:
> Initial install goes well.  After reboot, get repeated errors:
>   "perl: warning: Setting locale failed"
> along with some info about LANG  and LANGUAGE (the messages are in
> the /var/log/installer.log, and I can submit it to the appropriate
> location).

just dealt with this issue.  try running `dpkg-reconfigure locales`
and selecting your country/language setting (i selected en_US for
english, US).  hopefully that fixes it.  if not, you can add the lines

export LANG="en"
export LANGUAGE="en"

(or 'fr' for french, or 'de' for german, or whatever) into your
.bashrc or .cshrc or .zshenv or whatever shell you're using. but this
isn't as global a solution as the previous one, which is preferable.
but both worked for me.




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