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X too big; login double; fetchmail kaputt

excellent.  following suggestions in posts about how i install
spamassassin on potato when it's only available for woody and sid, i
put testing lines in my /etc/apt/sources.list, dselected, accepted the
dependencies, and installed spamassassin.  i now have it.

the only problem is (or rather, there are a few of them), that i went
through a configuring menu after installing the package, and some
things aren't in top condition now.  :)  oh well, to be expected, and
no major breakings-down or anything.  so, most everything's cool.


1. X is huge.  it's about sixteen times the size it should be, and i
   mean visually.  the reconfigure stuff moved it and all its files
   from /usr/X11/ (i think that's what it was) to /usr/X11R6, and now
   it's waaaaaaaaaay too big.  

2. when i login to my own machine via ssh, i get the login message
   twice.  i didn't know where it is to begin with, and i'm not sure
   why it's doubled now.  i'm using zsh.

3. the biggest problem is that fetchmail won't fetch.  i try
   fetchmailing, and it says there's already a fetchmail running.  so
   i kill it, because it wasn't doing anything.  the ~/.fetchmailrc,
   as far as i can see, is the same as usual:

      set postmaster "nori@localhost"
      set nobouncemail
      #set daemon 300
      set invisible

      ... and then all the settings for getting mail, unchanged.  i'm
  fetchmail's still in cron as it usually was, and should be fetching
  mail.  help?

4. (okay, i know i only listed 3) ...
   problems in my .muttrc file, when it starts up.  it has problems
   both in the ~/.mutt/rc.pgp and in /etc/Muttrc (which i've never
   seen before ...) with the line having to do with:

     set pgp_sign_micalg=pgp-sha1 #Default for DSS keys

   (that's from /etc/Muttrc; the ~/.mutt/rc.pgp has the same line
   except without the comment -- so, in effect, the same line.)

thanks for any help you can give me on this!  i like console mode, but
i'd like to get back to X soon ... and to receiving mail locally!!




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