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Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

--- Dave Sherohman <esper@sherohman.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 09:09:29AM -0700, Shriram Shrikumar wrote:
> > On the other hand, could one sue Microsoft (do they provide
> implied
> > warranties with regards to their suitability for certain tasks ?
> like
> > hosting websites without hacking into someones elses boxes ?) In
> > theory,  is it not their product that is "hacking" into other
> > computers - as opposed to the operator who may not even be aware
> of
> > the infection.
> You're kidding, right?  According to the Microsoft EULA, they could
> put
> code into the startup routines of any of their software that causes
> it
> to break into the Pentagon's computers, search out the nuclear
> launch
> codes, and blow up the planet while displaying the splash screen
> and it
> wouldn't be Microsoft's fault when the bombs fell.

but it be the pentagon who has to agree to that ? if not, why do
people agree to risk being sued by the likes of the pentagon ?



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