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Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 09:09:29AM -0700, Shriram Shrikumar wrote:
> On the other hand, could one sue Microsoft (do they provide implied
> warranties with regards to their suitability for certain tasks ? like
> hosting websites without hacking into someones elses boxes ?) In
> theory,  is it not their product that is "hacking" into other
> computers - as opposed to the operator who may not even be aware of
> the infection.

You're kidding, right?  According to the Microsoft EULA, they could put
code into the startup routines of any of their software that causes it
to break into the Pentagon's computers, search out the nuclear launch
codes, and blow up the planet while displaying the splash screen and it
wouldn't be Microsoft's fault when the bombs fell.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
"To prevent unauthorized reading..."         - Adobe eBook reader license

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