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Re: dselect is a liar

On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 06:45:38PM +1000, Bruce@plato.debian.org wrote:
> after a fresh update each time, dselect is adamant that lyx is current at 
> version 1.1.4-3 which is older than the current stable version...
> http://packages.debian.org/stable/text/lyx.htm advertises version 1.1.4-7
> http://packages.debian.org/unstable/text/lyx.htm advertises 1.1.6fix3-1
> I'm confused!
> Might this have something to do with either my architecture (powerpc)
> or my isp?

At the moment, packages.debian.org quotes versions for i386 only. Here's
some more accurate information:

[cjwatson@auric ~]$ madison lyx
       lyx |    1.1.4-3 |        stable | powerpc
       lyx |    1.1.4-3 |       testing | powerpc
       lyx |    1.1.4-3 |      unstable | powerpc
       lyx |    1.1.4-7 |        stable | source, alpha, i386, m68k
       lyx |    1.1.4-7 |       testing | m68k
       lyx |    1.1.4-7 |      unstable | m68k
       lyx | 1.1.5fix2-1 |       testing | source, alpha, i386
       lyx | 1.1.5fix2-1 |      unstable | alpha
       lyx | 1.1.6fix3-1 |      unstable | source, i386

So lyx is indeed out of date on powerpc, probably because it's in the
contrib section and the autobuilders don't always keep religiously up to
date with that.

By the way:

  From: Bruce@plato.debian.org, McIntyre@plato.debian.org
  Mail-Followup-To: Bruce, McIntyre, debian-user@lists.debian.org

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Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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