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Re: aol

On Saturday 28 April 2001 02:59, Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier wrote:
> I'm hoping that someone will come up with a Free Software
> equivalent of QuarkXPress as good as the Gimp. I've contacted
> Quark a few times, and they still thumb their nose at Linux -
> which is a shame, because I'm sure a lot of publishers would
> like to be able to run their art departments on a stable OS.
> I started on computers in an art department using Quark on
> MacOS 7.1... the "save" hotkey combination was hard-wired
> into my brain after about two days because I was constantly
> getting unexplained system errors.

I doubt if Quark will ever make XPress free (in the GNU/DFSG sense). 
But you could try using the windows version under wine. I've seen it 
rated a 3 out of 5 on the wine compatibility page (forgot the exact 
link, check out winehq.org).

But if you're looking for free/opensourced WYSIWYG DTP software then 
the closest to it -- no I'm not talking about document processors 
like Lyx, Latex and friends -- is Kword. And it's (according to the 
KOffice release announcemnt) alpha-quality software. Actually, KWord 
is a frame-based word-processor. I've tried it, and for simple 
documents it works like Frame Maker. (XPress is also frames-based.)

Well, I guess more people have to support it, if it's going to get as 
good as the gimp. If there are other free WYSIWYG DTP software 
projects out there, maybe somebody can start a new thread.

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