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Re: How do I stop X

On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 12:35:26PM -0800, Dennis Krinke,,, wrote:
| I would like to change configuration
| so that I boot into a console,
| rather than to X-windows graphical login.
| I tried changing /etc/inittab line 5 from
|   id:5:initdefault:  to
|   id:2:initdefault:
| but this did not do it...

Did you make '5' the default runlevel in the first place?  By default
debian uses runlevel 2, and all runlevels are identical (the 5->2
change sounds like a redhat thing).  

To disable X's starting at boot you need to disable your display
manager in the runlevel you are booting to.  My system boots to run
level 2, and I use 'gdm' as my display manager.  The simplest way for
me to stop gdm from starting is (as root) :
    mv /etc/rc2.d/S99gdm /etc/rc2.d/notS99gdm

To understand _why_ this stops gdm from starting on boot read up on
how SysV init works.



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