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tainted modules

what's this business about tainting the kernel with non-GPL modules???
more importantly, how do i disable/go around it.

i am *only* trying to install pcmcia-modules from unstable (3.1.29)
with my 2.4.17 kernel, and this is annoying!!!

even though modprobe seemingly only bitches about tainting when ds.o,
cb_enabler.o, and i82365.o are loaded (they load fine), tulip_cb.o (or
any other high-level module for that matter) won't load at all. what
gives??? is this a "feature"? i though it was an -ac patch thing, but
it made it into the main tree???

please tell me how to solve this... thanks!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
dimmi in 10 secondi i nomi dei 7 re di roma, in ordine
decrescente di data di morte del figlio secondogenito,
in rot13... o faccio fuori la directory /dev !!!

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