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Re: CUPS: lp: unable to print file: client-error-not-found

Am 15. Oct, 2001 schwätzte Danie Roux so:

> I'm printing to a HP 2100 printer. As root this works:
> root@maroonprinter:~$ lp -d hp2100 -o raw smbprn.yncNA0
> As a user however I get this:
> life@maroonprinter:~$ lp -d hp2100 -o raw smbprn.yncNA0
> lp: unable to print file: client-error-not-found

Ran into this message while googling for the above string because I was
getting it as well.

> The user belongs to groups lp and lpadmin for good measure, but it still
> doesn't work. 
> Anyone that can help me with this? I found in the list archives that
> this happened to somebody after upgrading from woody to unstable. And
> I'm running unstable.

I've been running woody for months, but got the same error starting sometime
between 06Nov2001 and 12Dez2001. I don't see an answer to your mail on the
list and I figured out how to fix it for me, so here's a late response :).

Since it works for root, but not as a user it would seem to be permissions
or user setup. I've got it talking to a socket connection ( printer is
available on the network with its own IP ) and cups is accepting the
connection, so it didn't seem to be a network problem.

Also the cups logs show my user account suddenly trying to talk to
PS_printer rather than LaserJet, which is what I have setup. 

Using ltrace I noticed that lp was opening a couple of config files.

open("/etc/cups/lpoptions", O_RDONLY)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
open("/home/lufthans/.lpoptions", O_RDONLY) = 4

The former doesn't exist on my system, the latter does and sets the default
printer to PS_printer. Foolishly, I didn't note the timestamp on .lpoptions
before fixing it :(.

Changing LaserJet to PS_printer in /etc/cups/printers.conf didn't work well.
Didn't think it would, but I avoid making deadtreeware, so didn't have any
experience. Changing PS_printer to LaserJet in .lpoptions worked.

.lpoptions has info about kde, so I presume it was a kde package that
changed it.

I think I've used dpkg to find out when packages were installed, but can't
find or remember the options I was using.

It might also be from trying to print from a new application. I had printed
from konqueror before, which is pretty well the only kde app I run, though.


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