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woody: 2.2.20 ext3 and ide patches...

I've been using Woody for the past couple of weeks and so far I'm more
than happy with it. However I seem to have a wee problem with
compiling/patching the downloaded (through apt-get) kernel sources for
2.2.20... I'd like to apply the ide and ext3 patches to it - but the
Debian way is a little baffling!
Well, what I did was: I unzipped kernel-source-2.2.20 to
/usr/local/src/sthg and applied the patches through
/usr/src/this/way/to/1st/patch /usr/src/that/way/to/2nd/patch while in
the top kernel-source directory, than I ran make menuconfig (what 
puzzled me was that I had no ext3 options available... the only 
non-standard one was ext2 devel one). Afterwards i did make-kpkg
--revisionXXXXX and such which gave me quite a few warnings.
Anyway it compiled but will it work???
So could any of you give me (detailed if possible) info on how to roll
and patch my own kernel on Debian the Debian way?

Thanks in advance

Marcin Fusinski

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