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Re: Is LIDS a good idea?

also sprach Mathias Gygax <mg@trash.net> [2001.12.05.1109 -0800]:
> > no, not yet. it's on my todo list, but since i am pretty comfortable
> > as root and my users are trusted users, it is not prime importance.
> if you have remote daemons, you don't have anything like "trusted
> users". every daemon has it's associated UID.

how right you are! but these servers are private, i do them in my
free-time, there is no sensitive data on them, they are firewalled, i
don't really care about them too much, and my users know this. all my
daemons run chrooted as non-privileged users, all are up-to-date, and
only the barest selection is enabled. add that to the firewall and i
can say that it is secure with respect to the circumstances. and if a
user acts up, s/he's gone.

security is an important concept, but certain projects warrant certain
security projects, and mine just happens to need less security than
the ones i administer productively...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
this message represents the official view of the voices in my head.

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