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Re: managing multiple machines

David Wright wrote:

Several posters have pointed out that I can get DHCP to assign IPs based
on MAC, which goes a long way toward solving my problem. I guess if I
share hosts using ldap, I can still give each machine a unique name, too.

Now the only problem I can think of with sharing /usr and /etc is that my
file server's /etc will contain stuff like /etc/exports, which will end up
telling every machine to be a file server. Hmmmm.

You can use a common /etc and replace the client-specific files with links to /var, like

/etc/exports -> /var/etc/exports
/etc/X11/XF86Config -> /var/etc/X11/XF86Config

You will however need a unique /var ant /tmp for each client.

This works for me on my diskless cluster.


Heinrich Rebehn
                        "Have disk - will travel"
University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

E-mail: mailto:rebehn@ant.uni-bremen.de
Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341

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