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Re: How to NOT start X-Windows @ Boot?

>I need to upgrade my video card.  At present, 
>my Debian system launches into X-windows 
>all on its own... even the login prompt is 
>in 'X'.  I assume this cause trouble if 
>I simply swap video cards, without re-
>configuring Debian somehow.
>Or is there a better way to go about this?
>In any case, I assumed it would all be much 
>simpler and safer in text mode.

Your X login prompt is a display manager. Probably gdm, kdm or xdm.
The simplest and safest solution is to disable your display manager while
you get your new card working.

You do that by temporarily renaming the proper display manager start scripts
in the proper runlevel directories.

Your runlevel directories are /etc/rc0.d through /etc/rc6.d and /etc/rcS.d

In those directories you can rename the file S##@dm to for instance disabled.S##@dm
where # is a digit and @ is one of 'g', 'k' or 'x'. It could be S90kdm.
This will prevent your display manager (and X) from starting when you boot
your computer.
For your information the S-files start things and the K-files kills (stop)

To see if your new card and its new X configuraton is ready to run X you
can manually start X with the command startx.

Once you have your new card running you rename the disabled files back.
You do not have to reboot to get your display manager started. You can start
the display manager with the command /etc/init.d/@dm start (where @ is 'g'.
'k' or 'x').

You must be root when you do all these things.

Cheers :o)

Johnny :o)

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