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Re: software strategy for shop

I'm sure your answers will differ - the below represents how I would go
about this.

Andrew J Perrin - andrew_perrin@unc.edu - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
 Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
      269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, Thomas Halahan wrote:
> i) What database would you use (server will be debian but 
> there will be at least one windows machine off of it).

PostgreSQL, hands down. It's a robust, full, high-quality SQL
implementation that is easily hooked to any front end you could want
(Perl, PHP, even ODBC).

> ii) In what language would you write the administrators 
> screen for data entry and sales reports.

I would probably write it in Perl/Tk, because that's what I'm used to. It
could equally well be done in Python and probably even Ruby (but I don't
know much about that).  I suppose you could use PHP and do the whole thing
over the web, but that wouldn't be my approach. I think the language wars
are overstated -- write it in whatever language you feel most comfortable

> iii) How should the shop browsing be organised, and 
> similarly the online ISP browsing.   Clearly it would be 
> easier if I were to mirror the online website with one in 
> the shop.

Assuming you have sufficient bandwidth, I wouldn't bother mirroring in the
shop (or, alternatively, I wouldn't bother with hosting an online website
outside the shop).  You need to have a good, up-to-date database of stock
on hand, which means both your online site and your local site need
real-time access to it. The simplest way to handle that will be to have it
all in one place.

Good luck!

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