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Re: Which installer? Aptitude, dselect deity...

* Johnny Ernst Nielsen (j.e.nielsen@iname.com) spake thusly:
> >  PR> Which installer should I recommend to a beginner of Debian
> > (and Linux?). PR>
> Both aptitude and deity have had the majority's verdict "thumbs down" 
> at their current state. (That is not to say that they won't be 
> excelent installers in the future.)
> I would have to say your choice is between apt-get and dselect.

I would recommend installing all three and choosing one that
you like. I've been using aptitude pretty much since it first 
came out. It beats dselect hands down -- IMPO, of course.

I'm going to exit now since you don't want me to replace the printcap. If you 
change your mind later, run                        -- magicfilter config script

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