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Re: ssh works from windows not from linux; protocol version difference?

On Sunday 04 November 2001 12:20 pm, Gianguido Cianci wrote:
> first o fall which ssh should I install? ssh or Openssh?  any practical
> difference? as oppoesed to ideological difference???

>From what it sounds like you're trying to do, I'd say OpenSSH is a better 
choice.  I believe the other ssh package is non-free and doesn't support v 2. 
(don't know that for sure, though)

> So what is the story ??  I would have imagined protocol 2.0 would have been
> backward compatible... maybe increasing security meant decreasing
> retro-compatibility???

Depending on the ssh server, it certainly can be backwards-compatible, but it 
has to be configured as such.  SSH v1 had some fairly serious security holes, 
which is why most folks try to use v2.  (and why some servers might be 
configured to disallow v1 protocol)

> Anyway,
> my problem remains, I cannot connect to the remote host from Linux...

Try changing over to OpenSSH if you're running Woody or Sid.  I know that 
supports v2.  If you're running potato, you may want to verify what version 
of ssh that package supports since I'm not sure.  If at all possible, you 
want to use ssh v2 because of the aforementioned security problems with v1.


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