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Re: HP2200d printer

On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 14:26, dman wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 10:08:15AM -0200, Michel Loos wrote:
> | On Thu, 2001-11-01 at 16:37, hallstevenson@pop.mindspring.com wrote:
> | > 
> | > Michel Loos <loos@qt1.iq.usp.br> wrote:
> | > >
> | > > I would like to crrectly set-up a HP2200D printer, 
> | > > using lpd and magicfilter.
> | > ... 
> | > > Anyone has any experience with this?
> | > 
> | > This page, http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-LaserJet_2200, has info on the '2200' model, but makes no mention of a 'd' suffix...
> | > 
> | > Hall
> | 
> | Read that, should be the same but it needs foomatic which I was unable
> | to install celanly while preserving all the funcionalities and ease of
> | use of lpd (for networking). I would like to know how (with lpd) how I
> | can send the printer commands in order to select the inkdensity and the
> | duplex mode.
> | I understand that with standard lpd I will probably have to set-up
> | several printer queues, but I need to know how to modify the filters in
> | order to do this.
> I would suggest trying cups and the cupsomatic package (cupsomatic has
> a debian package).  Cups can be plugged in in place of lpd, and it
> also supports many more options in the command line (of lp(r)) so that 
> a way that you can have a single queue.

I finally answered my own question. I was not interrested in other than
lpd because it woulld need to modify the configuration of the other
computers on my LAN.

Since the HP2200d is PS printer I copied the psonly600-filter from
magicfilter to hp2200-filter.
Since it is also a PJL printer, using other PJL printers as a reference
I changed the PJL lines from 
reject <message>



Now for enabling the duplex mode, from the magicfilter man, I noticed


was equivalent to

text "" \004

Now it was quite easy: just insert the PJL commands instead of the ""

which gives:

text "\33%-12345X@PJL\n@PJL SET DUPLEX = ON\n" \004

instead of 


in all postscript related lines.

I am using this filter for lp, and put a normal one as another queue.

Was hard work in order to save the forest economizing paper :)


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