Re: modconf not working, net module 3c59x can't be loaded. any help?
> >
> >so if insmod works fine it's ok (you can check whether the module is
> >loaded with 'lsmod')
> >if not you must specify io and irq : insmod 3c59x io=<your io> irq=<your
> >irq>
> >
> >put the line you have typed as command (above) but without 'insmod' into
> >/etc/modules
> >and make sure you have in /etc/rcS.d file as : @S<any number (probably
> >20)>modutils (e.g @S20modutils)
> >'@' means it is a symlink (to /etc/init.d/modutils ) if you
> >haven't...reinstall modutils
> >
> Hello again Martin,
> I have done as you suggested. Once I reboot, I can't find 3c59x neither with
> "lsmod|more" or with "modconf"...
> the funny thing is that the card/driver shows up at boot time and the is not
> there anymore. I attach dmesg.txt in case it may help...
> thanks again,
> Gianguido Cianci
> PS: I am aware that I might have all sorts of "useless" or "mutually
> exclusive" modules loading up at boottime: the truth is I am not sure which
> ones I *really* need :-)
hi again
as i see you've compiled it into kernel directly (otherwise it wouldn't have been in dmesg !!!)
but i must notice that your kernel is in horrible stage.. you must recompile it:
*get sources (kernel-sources-2.4.x.deb) untar it (man tar)
*compile it (see kernel-howto)
(in directory with kernel type(but better to read howto!) :
make mrproper
make menuconfig (must have menu installed (debian package)
(it runs program in which you can choose exactly what you want and what you need)
make dep
make bzImage
make modules
make mpdules_install
*then copy your new kenel image from /usr/src/arch/i386/boot/bzImage into /boot/bzImage
*don't forget to edit lilo.conf (man lilo)
(add lines:
and be sure to enable prompt:
*don't forget to run lilo
(it must pass without errors!!!)
it will produce an output (probably two lines with your kernel images at default should be '*'
(your old kernel) and at the second one should be : (alias 5)
then at boot you can type '5' and new kernel wil be loaded if it works fine everything is ok,
if not you can boot old kernel at boot time just pressing enter
so good luck and if in doubt just mail again... :)
I am Martin Kacerovsky, student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
at the Charles University in Prague, in the Czech Republic, in Europe,
on Earth, in the Universe where Linux operating system rules...
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