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Presentation Software...

I am new to Debian. I have to give a seminar in my University and hence 
searching for a presentation sofware on debian. 

Thanks in advance to all those who help me out.

              \/   \/
   -=> K o d a t i #|--
               / | \

[ Vikash Kodati :: Senior Student ]
{ Dept. of Computer Science }                                  -o)
( Indian Institute of Technology --> Guwahati )                 /\ 
<http://www.iitg.ernet.in>                                     _\_V

+ Other Emails +  ,___________________________
      \           |vikashkodati@rediffmail.com|
       `----------|vikashkodati@IEEE.org      |
                  |kodati@iitg.ernet.in       |

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