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sid + potato + ext3 problem


 I have a box with both potato and sid installed. Instead of rebooting
 to get the other system, I did this:

 I have a script in the sid box does:

  sudo chroot /potato su - -c"/root/init"

 And in potato's /root/init, there's:

  umount /proc
  mount -t proc proc /proc
  /etc/init.d/ssh start

 And that's it. potato's ssh will be listening on port 23, so I can log
 into potato doing "ssh -p 23 localhost".

 But then I installed ext3, on both systems. It quite nice, but... When
 I first run the script to get as root in the potato box, and start ssh the
 filesystems are mounted like (this is from the /proc in the potato
 root, not the sid root):

 /dev/hda3 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro)
 /dev/hda6 on /usr type ext2 (rw)

 Even though potato fstab says all filesystems should be ext3. And I
 can't unmount them (umount says theye busy). (Ie tried to just chroot
 there and not run init, and that's what mount shows then)

 Does anyone know why, and if there something I could do to get potato
 to mount the filesystem as ext3 also?  


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