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Re: Debian Linux

On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 10:33:39AM -0700, Hamma Scott wrote:
> > Debian makes me want to dive in and learn all
> > it's internal
> > workings. Keep up the good work!!
> > 
> >         mike
> Here are some tips I've harvested from this group
> straight from Will Trillich's Tips. Hope they come in
> handy:

glad to have contributed something useful (if not timely :)--

> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #1 from Will Trillich

heavens, we can't allow a gap like that!

here's 2-4:
	Confused about using "apt-get" to keep your Debian UP-TO-DATE?
	See http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/system/apt-get-intro.html

	Wondering how to FIND WHICH PACKAGE CONTAINS x-y-or-z? Just enter
	"dpkg -S part/of/path" and you'll get a list of all packages that
	affect paths like that. For an example, try "dpkg -S http".

	Want to know WHAT FILES ARE PROVIDED BY PACKAGE x-y-z? This is a
	job for dpkg: enter "dpkg -L <package-name>" at the command
	prompt.  Try "dpkg -L netbase | pager" for example.

> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #5 from Will Trillich
> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #6 from Will Trillich
> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #7 from Will Trillich
> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #8 from Will Trillich
> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #9 from Will Trillich

	Looking to run a command or two at REGULAR INTERVALS?  Try
	"crontab -e" for starters (see "man cron" or "man crontab").
	You might also investigate the "anacron" package.

	Which COMMANDS pertain to <xyz>? Try "apropos <xyz>",
	"info <xyz>", and "man -k <xyz>".

> -- 
> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #12 from Will Trillich
> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #13 from Will Trillich
> DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #14 from Will Trillich

fifteen through twenty-six:
	Is there a good place to learn snarky PERL TECHNIQUES? One of
	my favorites is http://webtechniques.com, where Randall Schwartz
	contributes a monthly sample, explaining line-by-line what his
	code does, and why. (Look under "Programming with Perl" in the

	Why are *.rpm (RED HAT PACKAGES) considered spawn of Satan?
	Because the Debian package system is a lot more sophisticated
	than the one Red Hat uses; lots more inter-dependency information
	is built in to a *.deb package. If you bypass that with an *.rpm
	file, you're taking chances with your system. Try to "apt-get
	install <debian-only>" packages if possible. (Also check out the
	"alien" package if you must.)

	Why is TELNET considered spawn of Satan? Because every keystroke
	sent by you, is transmitted -- clear as a bell -- across the
	ether. Anyone can sniff your network packets and see what you're
	typing -- passwords, love letters, cold fusion blueprints...
	It's as secure as shouting from the rooftops. Everyone can see!

	How do you DISABLE A NETWORK SERVICE? There are several ways
	network services are made available: for inetd items, modify
	/etc/inetd.conf and then "/etc/init.d/inetd restart". For
	independently-running daemons, try "/etc/init.d/<daemon> stop"
	(or to permanently zap them, "apt-get --purge remove <daemon>").

Dave Sherohman gets co-authorship on number nineteen:

	How do you determine WHICH NETWORK SERVICES ARE OPEN (active)?
	Try "netstat -a | grep LISTEN". To see numeric values (instead
	of the common names for services using a particular port) then
	try "netstat -na" instead. For more info, look at "man netstat".
	   Also try "lsof -i" as root. "man lsof" for details.

	What TERMINAL TYPES are available for "export TERM=xyz"?  Look in
	/etc/terminfo or /etc/termcap and pick one similar to your
	terminal emulator's capabilities. Common ones are "linux" (for
	console), "xterm", "vt102" and "rxvt". See "man terminfo" or "man
	termcap" if you're determined to learn the nitty-gritty.

	Looking to configure your Debian NETWORK SETTINGS? Look at the
	file /etc/network/interfaces (try "man interfaces" for more
	info). Then "ifup -a" to reload your settings, and "ifconfig" to
	display them. (Also check out "apt-get install ipmasq"!)

	SECURITY-CONSCIOUS? Good! Here's how you can use apt-get to keep
	your system up-to-date with the latest security patches: in
	/etc/apt/sources.list include these lines--
		deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security potato/updates main contrib non-free
		deb http://security.debian.org/debian-non-US potato/non-US main contrib non-free
		deb http://security.debian.org potato/updates main contrib non-free
	Thereafter, a quick "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" is all
	you need to keep the gremlins at bay.

	Wondering what you should BACK UP -- and what you shouldn't? Here's
	a "how I do it" written by a debian-user regular, Karsten Self:
	This is a frequent topic on debian-user; check the archives at
	lists.debian.org for other backup approaches -- search for
	"backup scheme".

	Curious about DISK PARTITIONING schemes? That's a frequent topic
	at debian-user -- look for it in the archives at lists.debian.org
	or read Karsten's approach at

	Did you know you have MORE THAN ONE CONSOLE to use? There's
	six, by default: try Control-Alt-F6 to see console six,
	Ctl-Alt-F3 for console 3, and so forth. (If you don't use the X
	window display system, you don't need to include the control
	key. If you do have X running, you can return to it from any
	console via Alt-F7, unless you've changed the defaults.) Each
	console can have its own login, running its own jobs. Very

	Do you want a CONSOLE with more than 80 COLUMNS OR 24 ROWS?
	Experiment with various settings from /etc/TextConfig for use
	with "SVGATextMode":
		SVGATextMode 80x30x9
	Try "apt-get install svgatextmode" to get it. (It won't work with
	xterm or rxvt, of course -- only text-mode console display.)

and that's only about one-fourth of the slew. after i had about
thirty of my own, i started culling tips from debian-user posts.
(i've been adding tips sporadically as i see them posted to the
list; i began by asking authors if they'd mind me using their
ideas in my tip-of-the-moment, and none did. then i moved to
warning them, and all responses were warm and fuzzy. so now i
just DO. :)

reminds me. i'm a bit behind -- i've been reaping, but not
sowing. horrors!

DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #87 from Joost Kooij <joost@topaz.mdcc.cx>
Did you CHMOD -R / and destroy your permissions? Bad dog!
If you have access to a newly-installed Debian machine, run
this script there, and copy the resulting script to the box
with the bad permissions; run it, and all should be back to
	find / -regex '/\(mnt\|proc\|tmp\)/.*' -prune -or \
		-not -type l -not -type s \
		-printf 'chown %u.%g %p\nchmod %m %p\n' \
	> fixperms.sh
See "man find" for more info.

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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