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RE: Moving Debian to a new PC

Umm.. If the 2 machines share identical user databases NFS is just fine for this. However, if you're looking for a tar-based or other way to do this, I'd recommend one of the following: (both REQUIRE ssh with root logins allowed for your permissions requirements)
1) rsync over ssh. Make sure you've got ssh installed, then do:
rsync -ave ssh /local/dir/ root@remotehost:/remote/dir
NOTE the use of slashes above.
2) tar over ssh:
tar cCf /local/dir - . | ssh root@remotehost tar xCvf /remote/dir -
-----Original Message-----
From: Raffaele Sandrini [mailto:rasa2@gmx.ch]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:41 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Moving Debian to a new PC

I have bought me a new computer.
I i'm womndering how i can manage it to get ALL of the data from my Linux partition to the new system WITHOUT LOOSING ANY PERMISSION AND FILE DATA. I must be over the LAN. I can't change HDDs. I think that NFS is not good for that... due permission problems. is it possible to generate a "tar pipe" over thet net or something?

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