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Re: emailing by IP question

* dman (dsh8290@rit.edu) [011018 09:42]:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 10:29:54AM -0500, Lance_Hoffmeyer@augustmail.com wrote:
> | Is it possible to send email by IP instead of Domain?
> Yes.
> echo "hello world" | mail -s "test message" dsh8290@
> Domains resolve to IPs anyways, though RFC 2821 (the SMTP RFC) says
> that using domains is recommended.

It also says that IP addresses may be specified as the domain-part by
enclosing them in [square brackets] like so:


It's broken wihtout the brackets, and I wouldn't assume that all MTAs
would do the wrong thing. Domains do resolve to IP addresses, but that
happens at a much lower level. Addressing in the email realm has
relatively little to do with addressing in the IP realm.

good times,

Vineet                                   http://www.anti-dmca.org
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