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Re: rxvt & vi

On Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 03:53:44AM +0700, Mark Rompies wrote:
| Hi...
| First...
| I wonder why my rxvt looks weird everytime I quit from vi? the rxvt window 
| is full of every last commands and its output, and I can't find my cursor 
| until i blindly type "clear" and press enter.
| Second..
| Everytime i use vi:
| - i never see the "-INSERT-" (press "i", "o", "a" in command mode in vi) 
| mark at the bottom of my screen noted that i'm in the insert mode? Why? I 
| need it...How to show it up?
| - i should press "i", "o", or "a" everytime i want to go to insert mode 
| just after every move i've made to another line. why??

What vi clone are you using?  I like vim the best.  It shows the
'-- INSERT --' text at the bottom.  You should press [iIoOaA] evey
time you want to enter insert mode, but if you are already in insert
mode, pressing them will naturally insert them into the document.  To
install vim run

    apt-get install vim-gtk vim-runtime

This will give you the console version ('vim') the GTK+ gui version
('gvim') and also the neat runtime support which includes syntax


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