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Re: Takin' the plunge...

--- Royce Bell <rpbell@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I don't particularly want to go back to
> the command line, but I do
> appreciate the minimalist approach of Unix,
> especially from a security
> standpoint.
> Any suggestions to ease the mind and grease the
> process?

I'm using Red-Hat at work (working on setting up a web
server) and I'm using Debian at home. 
Check out http://www.debian.org for more on Debian's
standards and practices. It's more of a community
effort. Because it's more flexible, it's harder to
install than Red Hat, but not too hard. If I, a low
down, thrown down VB programmer, can do it, you can!

I've been devoting my extra time (?) to Linux and
while I'm learning slowly, I love the open environment
and the ability to learn. I did it as an act of
defiance to my job. My goal is to get my stuff
together, learn an area and contribute to the cause at

Hope this helps

Scott Hamma

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