Re: X compilation problem
--- <> (2001-10-03 21:30):
> I'm using debian and i have tried to compile the new X (4.1.0) I'm
> using the sources from your ftp and the compilation always takes about
> 700 mb of HDD space and then fails sayng that someone is not member of
> some group. I tried various kernel versions (from 2.2.17 to 2.4.10),
> but nothing help. I have also reinstaled the debian more times,
> triing stable, testing, unstable, but still with the same result.
> Please give me some help how to compile this, because if i use .deb i
> have to put the whole system (dependenci konflicts) to unstable or
> testing, but i want stay stable with X 4.1.0
[Please instruct your mailer to wrap your lines at less than 80 columns,
I recommend 72]
You can get X4.1 debs for potato, so you don't need to compile it
manually. Have a look at this url for more information:
These are unofficial and unsupported, but I've had good experiences with
them in the past.
Sean Quinlan (
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