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GPG weirdnesses

i know i asked this question before, but i received no answer. i've
had my new PGP key for 1/4 of a year now, changed it back then because
i added UIDs that i didn't want in there, not even revoked.

anyway, the other day i finally added another UID with my work email

pub  1024D/330C4A75  created: 2001-06-20 expires: 2002-06-20 trust: f/u
sub  2048g/D99FEE8D  created: 2001-06-20 expires: 2002-06-20
(1)  Martin F. Krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
(2). Martin F. Krafft (AERAsec GmbH) <mkrafft@aerasec.de>

well, notice the '.' after the (2) on the second UID line? that's
what's annoying me? because now, this UID seems to be the default.
assume i wanted to sign matt's key (i am not, for now at least):

  fishbowl:~> gpg --sign-key 43E25D1E

  pub  1024D/43E25D1E  created: 2000-03-30 expires: never trust: -/q
  sub  2048g/6FCFE5D1  created: 2000-03-30 expires: never     
  (1)  Matt Zimmerman <mdz@csh.rit.edu>
  (2). Matt Zimmerman <mdz@debian.org>

  Really sign all user IDs? y
  pub  1024D/43E25D1E  created: 2000-03-30 expires: never trust: -/q
  Fingerprint: E86D 8583 92CB FD92 70AD  43DC 02BC 42B7 43E2 5D1E

      Matt Zimmerman <mdz@csh.rit.edu>
      Matt Zimmerman <mdz@debian.org>

  Are you really sure that you want to sign this key
  with your key: "Martin F. Krafft (AERAsec GmbH) <mkrafft@aerasec.de>"

  Really sign? n
  Key not changed so no update needed.

it tells me that my key is the AERAsec key, which is not my default.
and now, this UID shows up in the sigs of all keys i signed.

why does it do this??? if i later add a UID, i still want to keep my
primary as a primary. that's not too much to ask for, is it?

please advise me how to make UID 1 be my primary (default) UID again.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"... doch warum sollte nicht jeder einzelne
 aus seinem leben ein kunstwerk machen koennen?"
                                                    -- michel foucault

Attachment: pgpKkk4BY5_Tt.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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