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Re: nslookup and host always consult a dns server - never local /etc/hosts

Am 22. Sep, 2001 schwätzte Martin F Krafft so:

> second: host and nslookup are DNS utilities, so they don't give a
> flying food about /etc/hosts. as you said, ping and telnet work fine,
> so your systems are good. nslookup and host both always contact the
> DNS server, never look into /etc/hosts.

True. The question, then, is:

Are there any DNS command line tools that do DNS lookups using the same
methods that most apps do? In other words, they pay attention to
resolv.conf, nsswitch.conf, hosts, etc.


# der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
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