Re: exim don?t like to send
Thus spake
> Dear Debian Users!
> I?m trying to configure exim. I?ve read the manpage and the docs and now i?m
> very confused. How i have exim to tell, that it shall send the mails to my
> account (
> Timo
> P.S.: Is there a HOWTO or thomething else for exim, that is easyer to
> understand,
> then the exim docs?
Timo -
I too am having some trouble with exim, but it sounds like you're
having one that's easier to fix. I assume you ran eximconfig
when you first set things up, and chose something like option 2
(I believe) - send via SMTP to a smarthost. That's the setting
that will work for most people. In your /etc/exim/exim.conf (or
/etc/exim.conf for older versions - I run 3.31) you should have
a line in the routers configuration section that goes:
driver = domainlist
transport = remote_smtp
route_list = "* bydns_a"
(using your ISP)
and in the authentication configuration section:
driver = plaintext
public_name = LOGIN
client_send = ": username : password"
(I'm guessing - this is the most common one, AFAIK) Play with
these options, and you should have reasonably good luck.
I'm assuming this is your problem - that it won't send mail,
even when you're connected to your ISP - if the problem is
something else, let us know.
Good luck,
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