RE: VMware and Debian
Yep. I've got VMWare running on plain potato. I had to roll a custom
kernel, but that's no big deal. The vmware install looks for certain
aspects of your kernel source tree to generate it's custom modules. It's
not really too difficult. I would suggest compiling /dev/rtc into your
kernel if you are going to run M$ software in vmware.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Pomohaci []On Behalf Of Dan
> Pomohaci
> Sent: Monday, 20 August, 2001 09:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: VMware and Debian
> Hi,
> Did somebody succeed to install VMware on a stable Debian (or Progeny)
> box? If yes how?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> --
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