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Re: X exits into unreadable screen

Touloumtzis, Michael wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 11:54:21AM -0400, Brian Stults wrote:
>>When I drop down to a console from X, or when I exit X altogether, the
>>screen that comes up is unreadable.  It is a black screen with lots of
>>vertical white lines of varying width.  When I type, it just produces
>>more verticle white lines where the text should be.
> It is likely that your SVGA registers were corrupted by X crashing in
> this way.  The only solutions are:
> 1. reboot
> 2. start X and live without consoles for now
> If you install svgalib-bin you can use savetextmode and estoretextmode
> to avoid a reboot caused by this problem in the future, but that solution
> depends on your already having saved the video registers from console
> mode when they were in a pristine state.  See "man savetextmode" for an
> explanation of this problem.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into savetextmode and restoretextmode. Do you have any idea why this would be happening, though? True, when I reboot everything goes back to normal and I can work at a console again. However, as soon as I start X again, the console display gets screwed up again. It doesn't seem like I should have to use savetextmode and restoretextmode every time I want to use X.

Thanks again.

Brian J. Stults
Department of Sociology
University of Florida
Box 117330
Gainesville, Florida 32611-7330
phone:  (352) 392-0265 x286
fax:    (352) 392-6568
e-mail: bstults@soc.ufl.edu

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