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Re: Debian box unable to HTTP to www.nai.com - FIXED

I thoroughly enjoyed this ripping tale of intrigue, 
adventure, and romance, but would you mind explaining
to a debian-newbie exactly who or what the culprit
was?  I've been having trouble connecting to various
sites (www.ups.com,www.zdnet.com,www.sun.com to name
a few) and I have absoluetly no idea why.  I've tried
with 4 different web browsers, they all begin
making the http connection and just hang.    
I can ping zdnet and sun but not ups.  I also can't
ping amazon but I can load it in a web browser.
I've also tried reconfiguring ppp (w/pppconfig).
I get the same error when trying to connect to www.nai.com
as our hero, so I was hoping the culprit to his caper
could lead to the culprit to mine.


Michael Buice

On Friday 10 August 2001 02:12 pm, Ron Mullins wrote:
> On 10 Aug 2001 13:31:32 -0500, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
> > Apparently the hero didn't notice the evil villian twirling his
> > handlebar moustache, hiding in the shadows.
> Oh, the villian is a given. It's just trying to figure out which of the
> townsfold was not given the love they needed as a child. :)
> > What kernel version are you running on your test machine, ftp server,
> > and mail relays?  If it's 2.4.x on the mail relay do you have something
> > like congestion notification on?
> The test machine, mail relay and FTP server are all 2.4.x kernels with
> Woody as the flavor. All packages current as of today.
> The mail relay is the first to use the 2.4.7 stock kernel
> however...Egads! Could that be it? Our hero, blinded by triumph so neigh
> at hand that he didn't realize, just didn't remember, that in giving
> into the need for speed he didn't roll his own kernel and has been
> bitten by a well known configuration error bespoke of so many times in
> the past? Oh, the agony, the sorrow of having overlooked something
> so...so...clumsy!
> Gasp! Salt poured into the fresh wounds! A quick search locating the
> offending command and the /proc directive to disable it prove it the
> culprit! Oh, our hero will need to strive valiantly in the future to
> overcome the stigma of this encounter with his Nemesis. This severly
> hinders his chance to win the girl's heart that he has courted for so
> long! Oh the tragedy!
> But much thanks to you, friend! May you want naught for a helping hand
> and good company. You, Sir, are a gentleman.

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