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Gnus Question


Is there anyway you can prevent Gnus/w3m (xemacs version) from
downloading external images when viewing SPAM HTML E-Mail?

...and before you ask, no, I can't simply disable displaying HTML
messages, because from time to time I get bills, etc, delivered as
HTML only messages (but with no external attachments).

I don't mind that when I view these messages, it takes a few seconds
to load the HTML file, but what really irritates me is when my MUA
automatically advertises that I am reading the message by downloading
images from an external web server...

Even worse: when I close of the message and go to another one, xemacs
continues downloading the images... Argghhh!

(I apologise in advance if this is a FAQ or something, but I haven't
seen it yet)
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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