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Java (was Re: [OT] beware citibank!)

Paul Mackinney wrote:
Jens Gecius uttered:

I have installed the j2sdk, I've tried manually placing symlinks from
.../jre/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji140.so to mozilla's plugin

Netscape 477's java VM works fine, but with ugly fonts and bad windows
sizes. Any suggestions?

There's something seriously messed up with debian/mozilla/java. However, I found the following usenet thread which helped me get mine working (I'm using the blackdown jre from testing with mozilla nightlies). The only thing I had to do was make the libXt.so symlink and java worked for me. If you can get it working without setting ASSUME_KERNEL, I would strongly recommend not setting it...


Hope that helps...

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