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dpkg problem

Hello Debian users!
    I've recently installed Debian (Potato) on a personal computer, and I'm having some difficulty with the package manager (dpkg) that came with it.  The problem came up after I installed the Ximian Gnome packages (via apt-get).  Once that had completed, I had a working copy of Ximian Gnome (and all it's other installed applications).  I then decided to upgrade XFree86 to v4.1.  During the upgrade, I backed up and removed the contents of /etc/X11 and /usr/X11R6, just to start fresh.
    Once I had XFree86 4.1 installed, I needed to re-install some of the Ximian Gnome packages (namely gdm, as it's config rested in /etc/X11/gdm).  Upon running `dpkg --install', I found that it never actually install gdm.  Sure enough, it created the directory structure under /etc/X11/gdm, but there were no files to speak of.  The backup I had displayed a number of files (sessions and config data).  I tried `dpkg --install' again, and put it in the background.  I noticed during the install, that it was creating the proper files that I was missing, but they were suffixed with '.dpkg-new'.  Once `dpkg --install' had completed, it removed those files rather than renaming them (to chop the .dpkg-new off).  Hence my problem.
    So the question is, why did dpkg not install the files properly?  Obviously it's keeping track of what's installed (or should I say, what it *thinks* is installed).  dpkg's assumptions don't help me, however, and I can't be certain my applications are installed correctly if it goes removing things after the fact.  How can I force dpkg to *forget* about what I've already installed, so I can install it again?  Better yet, is there a way to force a proper re-install with dpkg?
    One way I've found to re-install, is to use `dpkg-deb --extract <filename> /', but that's not good, as it kind of defeats the point of dpkg, as dpkg is used to not only extract, but to configure things you install as well, correct?  I've also found another way, which is to remove the list files associated with a program (I think I found them in /var/lib/dpkg/status/info/* ??).  Again, this defeats the point of dpkg, as dpkg should be a package manager on it's own accord, so I shouldn't need to be deleting things.  Of course, after deleting a bunch of those list files, dpkg complains whenever I run it that it's missing things.  It would be great if someone could tell me how to repair this as well...
    So thats it, I hope someone can help me out here.  I've posted to a local Linux group as well, but to no avail.
-David Fuchs

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