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Re: [users] Re: Time to fight for our beloved DEB format!

> Apt-get, while developed for Debian, is already used on several
> RPM-based distributions (Conectiva, Mandrake) as well, so it is not
> really a packaging format issue. ... although I miss it every single
> second when maintaining any Red Hat server at work...

apt-get doesn't function well on these distributions. They're having problems...If you read lists that are non-Debian you know that (you can hear them sobbing...) And Alfredo Kojima, the Conectiva guy who ported apt (and coded Window Maker, by the way) said it was an extraordinarily difficult task.
Anyhow, I think it's great the other distros actually imitated us!

> The point I'm trying to make is, that while dpkg is in itself a viable
> and good package format (which I personally DO prefer over rpm), some
> conformance is good. As it is now, Debian is in danger of getting
> isolated, especially in commercial environments.

>>since when did we give a damn about commercial environments?

Right on! And who cares about commercial distros? Look at how many packages *they* have, and look at *us*. We've got lots more (and I mean perhaps over a thousand more)!

Debian is by far t-h-e b-e-s-t!!!!


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