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Re: How do I clear out a list

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 09:30:20PM -0400, Brian Schramm wrote:
> I wanted to remove all the ximian files from my system since they are
> giving me a lot of problems.  I also wanted to change to Progeny since I
> have a vidio card that works better under xfree 4.x then xfree 3.x.  So, I
> followed the instructions on how to do this.  
> My problem is that the ximian files are still listed in my dselect list
> even though I have taken the site out of my sources.list file.  How do I
> get rid of them so I can install the ones from progeny and debian sites?

Have you run update from dselect?  If so, then they are probably still
listed in dselect, because the packages from ximian are still installed
on your system.  The versions of these packages in the debian archive
are lower I guess, so they are not upgraded.

You can try typing this into a root shell:

 for pkg in $( COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l "*" | awk '/^ii.*ximian/ {print $2}' )
   apt-get --reinstall install $pkg


 COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l "*" | grep ximian
to see if that fixed it.


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