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RE: New Ethernet Card


At 18.19 18/06/2001 -0500, you wrote:

I saw your message on the Debian-User archived mailing list (which I am
NOT suscribed) and thought I would jump in here.  I am using the 2.2.19
kernel here, and I just did a quick check of my existing, pre-compiled
modules.  There WAS a "dfme.o" module listed there, so your card may
already have a compiled module that will work!  Before going to the
trouble of compiling the stuff that came with the card, take a look at
your /lib/modules/2.2.19-pre17/net/ directory and see if you can find a
"dfme.o" file listed there.  If it is there, then you "should" be able
to make it work by inserting it in the /etc/modules file or by using the
"modconf" program and adding any needed options you may want.

Thank you VERY much. The file was there, indeed, but it's called dmfe.o not dfme.o ! ;)

I edited the /etc/module file and rebooted. Then, /usr/sbin/modconf had it loaded successfully.

Then I edited the /etc/network/interfaces. There was a loopback interface in it, I added

iface eth0 inet static
      gateway .. .. ... I don't remember now

Then I typed ifup eth0 and I got

"SIOCADDRT  network unreachable" error message.

I've looked for the  /etc/init.d/network file but didn't find it.

I found /etc/init.d/networking instead but it looks like all different stuff.

Now, I wonder: is there something wrong about the ethernet card module OR about the network configurations?

Isn't there a way to test the ethernet card ? Maybe I should look in /dev/ something ?

Thanks so much, anyway.


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