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Re: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

thomas <list@huno.net> wrote:
>i want to run the above as a cron job (like many do i guess). but
>sometimes apt-get asks me if i want to replace the configuration files,
>and i always answer N. but the only option with apt-get is -y, which
>will probably (i havent tried it out) replace the my config files with
>the default ones. what can i do ?

You could add the option '-o DPkg::Options=--force-confdef', or
something similar. Beware, this is flagged as "can seriously damage your
installation" in 'dpkg --force-help'.

Some people run apt with --download-only as a cron job, and then do the
actual upgrade interactively. Debian is just not guaranteed to upgrade
non-interactively yet, so you'll probably get bitten by something if you

Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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