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Re: Debian Floppy my love

> Volevo sapere come posso installare sul mio portatile (486, 8Mb ram, 500 Mb 
> HD) LINUX distribuzione DEBIAN. NB Non ho un lettore CD-Rom ma solo un'unità 
> Floppy da 3,5"...
> Grazie mille Marco
> I'd like to konow how to install a Debian Linux on my laptop (486, 8Mb ram, 
> 500 Mb HD) via Floppy Disk... I DO NOT have a CD-Rom drive.
> Thanx Marco
Depends if you have access to a LAN with internet or a modem. You can
install the base system from floppy's. After that you can download
additional packages from the internet. See:

and read the docs there.


  NT is the OS of the future. The main engine is the 16-bit Subsystem
  (also called MS-DOS Subsystem). Above that, there is the windoze 95/98
  16-bit Subsystem. Anyone can see that 16+16=32, so windoze NT is a 
  *real* 32-bit system.

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