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Re: .vimrc

On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 09:53:46PM -0700, deb-user@LuftHans.com wrote:
| Am 06. Jun, 2001 schwäzte will trillich so:
| > smells like there should be a newbieDoc in this somewhere...
| Presuming you meant the "set background=dark" config line there is a
| wishlist bug, #99762, for that as well as an appropriate comment, which
| explains when to use the option, to be added to the default vimrc.
| If you want to improve on my suggested explanation here it is :).
|   " If using a dark background within the editing area and syntax highlighting
|   " turn on this option as well
|   " set background=dark

How about :

  " If using a dark background within the editing area and syntax highlighting
  " turn on this option as well,  it makes the highlighting brighter
  " so that it contrasts with your black background.  Be sure and put
  " this option _before_ the "syn on" line or it won't have any effect.

| I don't use gvim, so if that defaults to a white background as someone else
| said, then that should be handled as well. Can we put a "if has("gtk")" on
| it?

Probably has( "gui" ) instead but I would need to check the help
pages, or use my solution :

highlight Normal guibg=black guifg=grey90

I set the gui's background to black and foreground to grey90.  This
works for MFC as well as GTK (I use gvim at work on a win2k box).  Now
I just need to get up the will to adjust the cursor so I can actually
read the text while it is highlighted :-).


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