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Re: [PLUG] File copy method that is twice as fast as "cp -a".

>>>>> "Russell" == Russell Senior <seniorr@aracnet.com> writes:

>>>>> "Karl" == Karl M Hegbloom <karlheg@hegbloom.net> writes:

    Russell>   c) if I am doing this between machines, I can pipe it through ssh
    Russell>      thusly:

    Russell>   tar -C /srcdir -clf - . | ssh targethost 'tar -C /targetdir -xpf -'

    Russell>      or

    Russell>   ssh targethost 'tar -C /srcdir -clf - .' | tar -C /targetdir -xpf -

 This will be faster, I think...  Am I right?  (I've not time to test right now.)

 # tar -C /srcdir/.. -clf - srcdir | ssh targethost 'buffer -m 8m -p 75 | tar -C /landingzone -xpf -'

 Note that the buffer is running on the other end.

 If the link is slow, you may want to use the -C option to "ssh", or
 put that in you ~/.ssh/config for that host.

mailto: (Karl M. Hegbloom) karlheg@microsharp.com
jabber: karlheg@jabber.org

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