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Re: abbreviations for non-native english speakers

>>>>> "Jaye" == Jaye Inabnit ke6sls <ke6sls@snowcrest.net> writes:

    Jaye> fwiw, I found a killer apt called 'wtf'. I'll let you do the
    Jaye> math on what that means, but it is a great way to know what
    Jaye> 'imnsho' means.

If you hadn't mentioned it, Jaye, I would have.

But I still have something to add: it's in the bsdgames package
(easily found with apt-cache search, but then again, that one isn't

    Jaye> Also, apt-cache search showed me that jargon is still
    Jaye> available and will do the same job. It's small and
    Jaye> useful. Just used it today when I seen, 'smop' refered to in
    Jaye> an earlier post this AM :)

You mean the jargon file?  Because I haven't found a "jargon"

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard    juergen.erhard@gmx.net   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
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