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Re: [Kris.VanHeurck@siemens.atea.be: i810 chipset on potato]

Branden forwarded this to debian-user:

Dear X Strike Force,

I am currently installing Debian GNU/Linux potato on a machine in our labs.
I found out (by opening the case, since I had no documentation on the
machine) that there is a i810 chipset inside.
I found the debian-page on this matter (XFree86 with i810 chipset) but had
no succes so far on inserting the module which I succesfully compiled from
i810-agpgart-module.tar.gz into my kernel which is kernel-image-2.2.18pre21
(and I also compiled succesfully myself). It reports unresolved symbols.
Should I upgrade my xserver to woody or sid, since you say on your webpage:
[23 Dec 2000] This has been removed since the official Linux kernel and
XFree86 4.x are now in sync with each other.. what does this mean ??
Can you help me out by getting my xserver running ?


Hi Kris,

I think I can help.

>Should I upgrade my xserver to woody or sid...

You should upgrade the entire distribution to Woody.  Do the following:

1. change your /etc/sources.list to look like this:

deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US testing/non-US main contrib non-free

(you may use your favorite mirror if you wish)

2. issue the commands: "apt-get update" and: "apt-get dist-upgrade"  if you 
run into any difficulties (the dependancies issue can get complicated, but 
you should't have any problems) try running:
"apt-get --fix-missing dist-upgrade"

3. make certain you have the correct packages for xfree86-4.0

4. get the kernel-source-2.2.4 package

> XFree86 4.x are now in sync with each other.. what does this mean ?

It means that the xfree86 developers are coordinating with the kernel 
developers. (and contributing code for the kernel agpart modules.

re-compile and install the kernel from the 2.2.4 source. 

configure xfree86 (use xf86config -- despite what some may claim, it works 
well with xfree86-4)

Start your xserver and have fun.

If you have any problems or questions post to the debian-user list, 
there's many extremely talented souls who will tell you where I've gone 
wrong ;)


Paul T. Wright <paul@cvanet.com>
-currently seeking employment-

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