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Re: Unkillable process

On Tue, 22 May 2001, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

AI> 'm running a 2.4.3 kernel with 2.2.1 glibc. Every now and then
AI> unkillable
AI> processes popup on my system (usually something that didnt shut down
AI> properly). It was xemacs once (and a ton of different processes that it
AI> runs), which prevented me running xemacs again as that user. Now it's
AI> mozilla .9. I have 2 processes sitting there doing nothing but preventing
AI> me starting netscape as a user. ps aux shows:
AI> scorpio   7314  0.0  3.8 28888 4876 tty1     D    May10   0:00
AI> /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla-bin
AI> and I cant kill it with any signal. Short of restarting machine I dont
AI> have any way to get rid of them. Is there a better solution or an
AI> explanation why this happens?

netscape is known doing this, 'kill -9 <PID>' should get rid of them,
signal 9 is not maskable.


                                   ' `(>~<)' `
      Petr [Dingo] Dvorak                             dingo@pdragon.org
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