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Re: [users] Re: [OT] Is Redhat *that* bad?

also sprach Alan Shutko (on Fri, 18 May 2001 05:58:29PM -0400):
> Nobody can find convincing arguments for linuxconf... but nobody
> forces you to use it.  Many RHL users remove it on sight... I did,
> when I was using it.

so did i. nevertheless, i don't know about redhat 7.x anymore, but
redhat 6.x couldn't even stick to file system standard.
> As for RPM, apply all the arguments for dpkg.  They're essentially the
> same.  Admittedly, there's no apt and up2date was no good (last I used
> it), but those do not a distribution make.

dpkg et al. is 100 times superior to rpm and if it's only for the
introduction of "Suggests" or the fact that multiple packets (such as
sendmail and postfix) provide a mailer package. i started on redhat
and very soon had to do tarballs only because the RPM system broke too
quickly, or it was just not good enough. and yes, up2date is just
plain painful.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
with searching comes loss
and the presence of absence:
file not found.

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