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Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

also sprach ktb (on Wed, 16 May 2001 06:23:07PM -0500):
> give the executable an enviornment to work.  Finding the board number
> would take the time of two boots and a minute or less more.  From there
> finding the jumpers could take 10 minutes to never.

yeah well, you have a point. but then, if i could find out the board
model and get the jumpers from the web, it's quite possible to get the
system back up. and if i don't, then it's saturday night and i'd hope
my users have better shit to do anyway :>

> If all of this is that mission critical buy a new board for $100.00 have the
> machine ready with a generic kernel, slap the board in and boot.

except for the $100 problem. no have... 

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"we should have a volleyballocracy.
 we elect a six-pack of presidents.
 each one serves until they screw up,
 at which point they rotate."
                                                      -- dennis miller

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