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linux FOREVER!

just wanted to share:
  a production system of mine (very very important actually):
  i use rsync, i specify .. accidentally as opposed to .
  i use the --delete flag
  --> /etc/* recursively gone.

  but: i have a week-old backup.
  i am ssh'd into the thing. no problems though
    (what happens when you delete the registry of a running windoze
  i can't rsync anymore (/etc/passwd gone)
  but proftpd works. so i dump the backup etc as tarball and restore.
  then i use tripwire to at least discover which files i modified in
  the last seven days...

wow. too much for my heart at 3am. but i think the system will

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
today, i will gladly share my experience and advice,
for there are no sweeter words than "i told you so."

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