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Re: trouble booting 2.4.4

At 989287374s since epoch (05/07/01 07:02:54 -0400 UTC), Herbert Xu wrote:
> Jason Healy <jhealy@logn.net> wrote:
> >
> > flexible == good.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much warning about it, so I
> > bet a lot of people (and their respective machines) are panicing.
> Hmm, I thought the message in the preinst was as prominent as it could be.
> Any suggestions on how it can be improved?

There was a prominent warning message, which is how I eventually figured it
out.  However, the dialog box did not present any real instructions on how
to fix the machine.  I tried selecting the "LILO" option in the dialog box,
and the machine didn't boot.  I also did a reconfigure and tried the other
options, but the machine still didn't boot.  It wasn't until I read some
manpages and tweaked my lilo.conf that the machine worked again.

The warning was good because it mentioned the new initrd style of booting.
Unfortunately, it didn't give any particularly good hints about how to fix
the problem.  Perhaps suggesting to the user that they add


to their lilo.conf (or just add it for them!) would be good.  Otherwise, the
dialog box provides warning but little actual assistance.

Sorry for the vagueness of that recollection, but it happened last week and
this weekend wasn't the best for my memory... =)


Jason Healy    |     jhealy@logn.net
LogN Systems   |   http://www.logn.net/

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