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Re: time format in logfiles (I miss the year)

On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 11:27:34AM +0200, Marcel Lanz wrote:
> at the moment I parse huge logfiles like /var/log/messages and I am
> suprised that the date string doesn't include the year in the timestamp.

The idea I guess is that if you actually keep the logs for more
than a year you're probably putting them into a tarball along the
lines of "2001-04.tar.gz" or somesuch, and otherwise you don't
care, so the year is superfluous.

> can I configure the logfile format to include the year number ?

not in the standard syslogd, at least.

If you really care you could add it to the logs (while rotating
if nowhere else), but it really sounds pointless.

John Lenton (john@grulic.org.ar) -- Random fortune:
Mi complejo de superioridad es mejor que el tuyo.
		-- Graffiti. 

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